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November 6, 2014
DGT Thirst - Please watch and share this spoof. Thank you.
Please watch and share this spoof. Thank you.
October 27, 2014
August 2014 Teachers Board Exam Results: Official List of Passers
August 2014 Teachers Board Exam Results: Official List of Passers
PRC LET Board Exam Results 2014
October 21, 2014
September 3, 2014
Free Load for all
Free Load for all
Open to Globe, Smart, Sun, Talk and Text
Just follow this simple steps:
Step 1: Download PopSlide on your MobilePhone via Playstore
Step 2: Register using the App by entering Gender and Birthdate.
Step 3: Enter Promocode: code143 and get instant 500 points.
Earn More Points and redeem load for Free.
PromoCode: code143
August 28, 2014
Apple Officially Confirms Event For September 9
Apple September 9
iPhone 6
We had been talking about the iPhone event for quite sometime now, although there was no word from Apple, but we all know it was about the iPhone 6.
Apple has confirmed the event for September 9 by simply saying “wish we could say more”. Needless to say, this event is going to be all about the iPhone 6.
Although a major portion of the keynote would be about the iPhone 6, but iWatch is expected to debut too alongside the new iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite.
We are very excited for the event. The official countdown has started!
Saint Pauls Dumaguete Scandal
Saint Pauls Dumaguete Scandal
There is a viral video on the internet with a sex scandal of a girl and her boyfriend whom is studying in Saint Pauls Dumaguete. They said that the video is saved on the mobile phone. The mobile phone was lost or stolen and the video is discovered and uploaded on a facebook account which is now blocked.
This is a warning to all people to be extra careful with your mobile phone and not to save this sensitive materials. If possible add a code or a lock application on you device. But this is not 100% secure. In short not record a video.